What If…?

No reasoning can start form nothingness. I here posit the perception of spatiality shared by all sentient beings as a given, beyond and above which our understanding can not truly levitate itself. Furthermore I accept the constant velocity of light (on Earth) with respect to that spatiality, whatever distinctive qualities and entities theorists may theorize both to have or hold. And then there are only far-fetched possibilities to circumvent the principle of contradiction. To make no bones about it: in the event that Einstein turns out to be wrong the Earth either is at rest in a the stars encompassing space that knows place, and consequently absolute motion, or the Earth is moving together with its tied-aether bubble. However, the spaces-moving-around-spaces postulates of the schesis theories of the type today still forwarded by Theocharis and Zappfe(39), I reject as desperate artificialities without the slightest shred of evidence supporting them that not even better fits the geocentric model. Those theories are only devised coûte que coûte to save Copernicus.

It is either Einstein or Tycho Brahe. And with that I rest my case!