Major Cooper-Hunt, towards the end of his address, while touching on the subject of Spiritual Healing, referred to a statement made by the late Dr. Oscar Brunler, while addressing the same society, that the brain radiation he obtained from the Holy Shroud in Turin gave a reading of 1 150 degrees biometric, the previous highest being that of Leonardo da Vinci, of 725. For comparison purposes, I believe the reading for an ordinary person is less than 400. Major Cooper-Hunt goes on to give a most astounding revelation, and I will quote his own words: “We have ourselves discovered through our Radionic Instrument that a picture of the Greatest Healer of all time carries a healing power of vast, though hitherto unknown, potency. For this I can offer no explanation; I can only say that we have found it to be true and capable of instrumental demonstration under almost laboratory conditions”.

Now that Medical Radiesthesia has been advanced to the instrumental stage and can be called Radionic Therapy I feel that considerably more interest will be taken in it and in all probability it will, before many years, become a recognised method of medical and possibly veterinary diagnosis. These instruments are the outcome of years of scientific research but have not, as yet, reached the complete instrumental stage as a highly sensitive human being is still necessary to receive the rays, emanations or vibrations which are the fundamentals of Radiesthesia and therefore, I assume, of Radionic Therapy.

Since the publication of the first edition I have heard from a number of doctors using homeopathic remedies who say that now that they use the pendulum for diagnosis and selection of drugs they cannot understand how they ever managed without it. Detailed methods are ably described in “Health and the Pendulum” by W. V. Wethered, B.Sc.