Elementary Radiesthesia Archdale Mager Rosette Colour Compass

Mager Rosette Colour Compass


Every colour has its own compass point or bearing. This is easily proved by trial and error. Place the compass car, correctly orientated, in the middle of your table. Now get a number of coloured objects such as books, boxes, or pieces of cloth and place them on the table. Hold the pendulum over the centre of the compass card and move each coloured object round until the pendulum swings towards it. When all the colours have been correctly placed I fancy you will find that they will agree with the Mager rosette, that is to say red will be South, green East, and so on. But, however, you may be the exception to the rule so I suggest that you make your own experiments and do not accept the rosette as correct, for you. One is led to believe that colours and objects are visible to the human eye only by reason of the light they reflect. It is interesting to note that the test I have just mentioned can be successfully carried out in the dark.


We have found that the fundamental ray for both iron and red is South so we must assume that iron and red are affinities in some way or another. In order to prove this we have only to place a piece of iron, or the bottle containing iron rays, in the red sector of the rosette. Apply the pendulum and you will get an immediate reaction, but when the piece of iron is placed on any other colour you will get no reaction. Now take a small piece of lead and try it on all the colours and you will find that the pendulum will give the strongest reaction when the lead is between grey and red which means that the colour for lead is a mixture of red and grey.

Using shades of the principal colours gives us an almost indefinite range and it is interesting to see how the various shades work. As an example we will take coal and diamonds. These are both carbon and their place in the rosette is on the line, or near the line, between red and yellow, which gives us orange. So as to be able to carry this test a stage further make a range of shades of orange, say six or seven. Take a diamond in your hand with the pendulum and try it over each shade separately and note which causes the strongest reaction (gyration) and that will give you the shade for diamonds. Now do the same with a small piece of coal and you will find that the strongest reaction will be over a bright orange shade whereas the diamond only gave a rather dull shade. Once we have established the shades for coal and diamonds, these shades can be carried as samples instead of the actual substance which is a distinct advantage as although a small piece of coal is easily come by, the same cannot be said of a diamond and a diamond might get lost!

It is not a difficult matter to find the correct shade, or nearly corect shade, when the pendulum reacts over the dividing line between two colours. Move the sample first on one side of the line and then on the other; the change in the strength of the gyrations of the pendulum should indicate the approximate proportions of each colour by the distance from the dividing line, when the strongest reaction takes place. Some operators use different coloured pendulums and others small pieces of coloured ribbon. A correspondent of mine in New Zealand has a novel idea, he used small skeins of silk and if he requires a shade he makes up a skein of two or three different colours which would, if they could be mixed like paint, give the shade he requires. He claims that this method gives just as good results. He is a fruit farmer and has used radiesthesia extensively for the selection of types, soils, fertilisers, etc.


An interesting experiment to illustrate the existence of vibratory waves from colours is to take your pendulum and hold any colour you like with the pendulum, that is to say, in the same hand. Then get someone to strike the individual notes of the piano, sustaining each note for a while, commencing either with the bottom or top note of the piano and taking each note in turn. At one certain note the pendulum will begin to gyrate but if the next note is struck the pendulum will immediately stop. Thus we find that the note that caused the pendulum to turn is in sympathy with the colour held next to the pendulum thread. If you try this with other colours you will find that each one has a sympathetic note on the piano. Coloured pendulums can, of course, be used for this test.

It will be noticed that the colours in the Mager rosette are not the colours of the spectrum (rainbow) as they include black, white and grey. Although they are not colours in the accepted spectrum sense, nevertheless they have affinities for certain metals, black and silver for example. For comparison only I will give my serial numbers, etc., for some minerals.

Water - Violet, Iron - Red, Copper - Dark Violet, Tin - White, Gold - Green/Yellow, Lead - Red/GreySo we see that there is harmony between colours, substances and music, although it may quite conceivably be that the harmony between colour and music and colour and substance is caused by two entirely different rays. I have no doubt that the scientific investigation that is going on at present will, before long, vestigation that is going on at present will, before long, throw some light on this subject.

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