Forward & Introduction

Foreword to the 3rd Edition

Original Cover

To anyone who has read any of the many articles on the subject of Radiesthesia by Mr. F. A. Archdale, which have appeared in the Press, one thing will have struck him forcibly, viz., that Mr. Archdale possessed the great faculty of being able to deal with an abstruse and highly technical subject in a popular way and had the happy knack of being able to describe his findings in language which is understandable to the beginner and the “man in the street ‘ as well as to the more advanced reader.

Although I have personally read a great number of books on the subject of Radiesthesia and have by the nature of my work with my wife as Radiesthetic Consultants for the last 14 years become familiar with the Science, I may say that as soon as I read one of Mr. Archdale’s articles I felt that he had made an additional valuable contribution.

Up to the present time Radiesthesia has depended upon the E.S.P. (extra-sensory perception) of highly-trained individual workers, who employ either the Dowsing Rod, Pendulum or Dela-warr Detector. The reason for this is that no laboratory instrument has hitherto been devised, which has been sufficiently sensitive to record automatically the micro-waves emanating from the blood plasma system. No doubt the future will see this gap duly bridged, since many enthusiastic research workers in the field of Radiesthesia are eagerly seeking a solution. As to who will be the fortunate discoverer remains to be seen, but that it will come in due course is reasonably certain. The discovery will be momentous and will advance mankind very greatly in the crusade against disease as well as in general scientific knowledge. Already photos from this sourse have been obtained.

I am sure that Mr. Archdale’s book will fill a gap and enjoy a very wide circulation and make many new friends both at home and abroad. It is the result of much study and research, founded on a long practical experience in the use of the pendulum both on the Continent and in the British Isles and so I very heartily commend it to you.

C. L. COOPER-HUNT, M.A. (Cantab.)
Radiesthetic Consultant and Late President of the
Radionic Association of Great Britain, 1948/49.
Author of “Radiesthetic Analysis”.
Barton-on-Sea, Hants, England. Oct., 1956


It was with deep regret and a great sense of personal loss that we had to report the death, on July the 16th, 1953, of the founder of the Pendulum, Lt.-Col. Fulbert Audley Archdale, M.B.E. (Mlty.), after a long and distressful illness.

Colonel Archdale had that priceless gift of being able to express in simple and understandable language matters that others had seen fit to veil in almost impenetrable mystery. His “Elementary Radiesthesia”, of which this is the third edition, has proved a valuable handbook for many beginners who were painfully finding their way through the early stages of radiesthesic knowledge. Much of the material which he wrote for the “Pendulum” stood out by reason of its clarity and conciseness.

Of him may well be echoed the words of Horace, “I shall not die completely, my work will live on after me”.

Editor of the Pendulum.
November, 1956.


The object of this little book, written by my late husband F. A. Archdale, is to introduce Radiesthesia to the beginner in its simplest form, without becoming too involved in the branches of this science which appertain to geology, minerology, medicine, etc. These he has left to others better equipped in scientific knowledge than himself. The possibilities of Radiesthesia are almost limitless, and although the science is still in its comparative infancy, new applications are being discovered daily. Its salient feature is that anyone has the ability, in greater or less degree, to work the pendulum, which is the only implement required to cover a wide field of investigation.

Radiesthesia is a fascinating subject, and there are so many branches of it that everyone, of either sex or of any age, can find a use for it. It is a science and has nothing to do with “black magic”, although the astounding results obtained make one wonder whether there is not some force in operation of which we know nothing.

There will be some people who will expect to make predictions, but Radiesthesia can only deal with the past and the present. Also its application and interpretations are so highly individual, that each user of the pendulum must work out his or her own method.

This third edition is much the same as the first two, and I hope that it will continue to prove as interesting and helpful.

Muriel Archdale, 1956.