EARTH ENERGY & VOCAL RADIO: Nathan Stubblefield

Earth Energy & Vocal Radio: Nathan Stubblefield

Gerry Vassilatos


The scientific historian methodically searches out catalogues of forgotten phenomena by thorough examination of old periodicals, texts, and patent files. The retrieval of old and forgotten observations, discoveries, scientific anecdotal records, and rare natural phenomena provide the intellectual dimension desperately needed by modern researchers who work in a vacuum of dogma.

Those who are familiar with the lure of scientific archives understand very well that more potential technology lies dormant than is currently addressed, discussed, or implemented. Much of modern scientific research is the weak echo of work already completed within the last century. The notion of drawing up electrical power from the ground sounds incredibly fanciful to conventional scientists, but numerous patents support the claim. A number of retrieved patents list compact batteries, which can operate small appliances by drawing up ground electricity. Others describe methods whereby enough usable electrical power may be drawn out of the ground itself for industrial use. The existence of these devices is concrete, documented in several unsuspected and unstudied patents.

“Earth batteries” have been detailed in a previous article. Their history can be traced back to experiments performed by Luigi Galvani on copper plates in deep stone water wells. Currents derived through these gave Galvani and his assistants “shivering thrills and joyous shocks”. Thereafter, a certain Mr. Kemp in Edinburgh (1828) worked with earth batteries, so that we know these designs were already being seriously studied. They demonstrate the validity of very anciently held beliefs concerning the generative vitality of earth itself.

Several of these devices were employed to power telegraphic systems (Bain), clocks (Drawbaugh), doorbells (Snow), and telephones (Meucci, Strong, Brown, Tompkins, Lockwood). Earth batteries are an unusual lost scientific entry having immense significance. Developed extensively during Victorian times, the earth batteries evidenced a unique and forgotten phenomena by which it was possible to actually “draw out” electricity from the ground. The most notable earth battery patent, however, is one, which operated arc lamps by drawing “a constant electromotive force of commercial value” directly from the ground. In addition to this remarkable claim, a vocal radio broadcast system … through the ground.

It all began one hundred and fifty years ago with the advent of telegraphy. Well before geologists and draftsmen were hired to mark telegraph line installations across a chosen territory, the linesmen selected the actual course and way. While major line directions were generally known, it was left to the linesmen to select the specific post-by-post pathway through the forests. Not necessarily the best geological trail, linesmen followed the path which seemed, to their aesthetic sense, to be the “right one”.

The meandering telegraphic wire went through rich dark evergreen forests and around glades. Lush valleys, flowing with corn, languidly waved … as the linesmen drew their weaving trail. Across meadows where wild flowers covered the earth in fragrant bouquets, there went the line in its curious, twisting path.

Over rolling hills, which soared into the hazy sunlight, the telegraph linesmen sang as they went. And the lines followed a mysteriously winding trail, which few discern. There were no specific instructions for the orientations of these long systems. Linesmen chose paths, which they felt best “secured” the elevated line. Early telegraph linesman “felt” their way through the woods, laying the paths for lines according to their peculiar intuitions. Theirs was a sense-determined path rather than a strictly mathematical one, carved through woods and vales in artistic meandering ways.

Older linesmen recalled the days when line installations took their characteristic winding routes through woods, across meadows, and sinuously along ridges, lakes, and streams in an expressive freedom, which was otherwise difficult to explain. Old linesmen innately sensed the most favorable paths along which lines “should” be placed. One finds that a careless amble through the woods is not unlike the path, which telegraphs linesmen chose.

A surveyor might simply draw a straight line across a section of land, and engineers would then employ powerful means to cut that straight path despite all natural barriers. Much of modern housing development is based on this “draw and cut” method. The sharp paths of engineers is effective and direct, but the old meandering rural roads dotted with their naturally placed homes are … beautiful. Later concerns for conserving wire, insulators, and posts outweighed this aesthetic sense of direction. Telegraph lines then simply followed the rails, as trains cut right across the landscape with no concern for aesthetics or the tendencies of nature at all.

The ability is not completely lost however. There are a few groups of individuals who yet maintain this peculiar “sense of the land”. One is the landscaper, who artfully designs gardens and grounds with an eye on maximizing beauty. This qualitative skill is based on a sense, which is both visionary and visceral. Architects alike enjoin this special aesthetic skill when designing buildings, which must be site-conformable. They must balance both alignment, form, material, and structure against the mysterious “urge” of the land upon which they are to build. Improperly placed, the building offends the delicate “forgotten sense”… which all art critics loudly exercise.

This sense-oriented technique for determining the best route through the countryside was most definitely based on a forgotten sensitivity, which dowsers yet preserve. The ground “urge” was anciently noted and honored by ancient sensitives who understood this to be the mysterious intelligence of the earth itself. Selected ancient persons recognized that certain ground spots emanated a vitalizing power, which energized the mind, emotions, and body to penetrating heights. Places where this energy was potent were deemed “sacred spots”.

It was soon discovered that a very strange and meandering path system naturally connected sacred spots together. Seeing that these sacred spots held the key to their survival, these sensitives followed the energizing paths across the ground in search of new understanding. These lines were not “light-line” straight. They meandered, like veins across an outstretched arm. They were dendritic, like trees branches and nerveworks.

Sorciers and Templars alike called these sites sacred, the interconnective natural paths “woivres”. These paths seemed to meander and waver across the countryside, as streams and currents of water meander across the earth. Soon, ancient societies developed technologies, which employed the mysterious earth energies for agricultural and medical purposes. Stones were erected where these energies emerged. It was hoped that some means for concentrating and maintaining the vital flow would be secured in this manner. The collective name for such technology is “geomancy”, the long-forgotten craft for raising the vital earth energy.