An Introduction to the Mysteries of Ground Radio

Telegraph lines so constructed were possessed of a noumenous and suffusive quality. Natural geomancers had provided the means. Here was evidence that another energetic stratum was governing the development and limiting the establishment of long-distance electrical communications systems. The subjective experience of linesmen was ample indication that such a mysterious energy stratum was indeed present and active. Thus, the invasive energy demonstrated its ability to enforce certain restrictions on the establishment and operation of Telegraphy and Telephonic systems. The communications technology, which engineers imagined to be completely independent of natural agency, was being subverted by an everpresent geomantic influence.

Besides the obvious geomantic incursions, those which influenced the decisions of workmen and designers, the energetic presence made itself known in several other ways. Power literally appeared “from the ground” in many stations, a condition which Alfred Vail reported (1839). He found it necessary to progressively remove batteries from the first long-distance telegraph line, reporting this remarkable manifestation of energy to his elder partner, Samuel Morse. Lines operated on an energy which exceeded the battery supply, and ground-connective communications systems were especially prone to bizarre energy manifestations.

Hoping to save the finance of excessive wire line, many telegraph systems implemented the discovery that code could easily “pass through water”. To this end, engineers experimented with the use of widely separated groundplates, a means which proved strangely successful. Experiments with ground-conduction established telegraphic contact through an isthmus (Morse, 1842), through streams (Vail, 1843), wide rivers (Lindsay, 1843), canals (Highton, 1852), across a bay (Meucci, 1846), through the earth (Stubblefield, 1872), and between distant islands (Preece, 1880). An accidental discovery proved that one longline system continued operating with great strength of signal, despite the fact that the line had been literally broken in several places. The realization that code signals could actually enter and traverse the ground for several hundred yards, and then reenter a grounded line, triggered a new revolution.

Thereafter, combined wired and wireless links formed the greater portion of telegraph exchanges across the miles of North American countryside. Ground plates launched code signals into predetermined land tracts and waterways, signals being conveyed along specific subterranean routes. Signals passed “into and through the ground” to each next ground plate of a series. When reentering the next groundplate, signals continued through the overhead lines to their appointed destinations. Stations received very strong signals in this method, signals with great clarity and force. Here were the early beginnings of the conduction wireless methods, and relied on the mysterious nature of ground conduction and ground energy for their successful operation.

It was clear to linesmen and operators that the signal energy could not possibly be maintained over such long ground and water conduction paths without amplification. Some external agency was somehow augmenting and modifying the applied signal impulses. The anomalous functioning of these largescale regional signalling systems proved again that the geomantic agency was literally wending its way through the line networks. Not every such line operated in this manner, the geomantic currents selecting very specific paths for its operation. This topographic selectivity hailed attention back to the maps once treasured by geomancers. The augmentation of applied electrical energy was obvious. These specially placed telegraph and telephone lines operated for years without batteries at all. Station operators took this phenomenon for granted. Despite the “long dead and corroded Edison Cells”, telegraph station operators continued the powerful exchange of “fat blue and sparking” signals for decades (Lehr).

Other researchers corroborated the fact that usable amounts of current could actually be derived from the ground, currents whose powerful displays permitted the elimination of battery cups and generators. The failure of all reductive electrical models to satisfactorily address these energetic characteristics became especially evident with the development of the “earth batteries”, an outgrowth of these telegraphic observations (Bain, 1849). These simple material composites, made to be buried in earth, produced currents not explained through electrolytic action. Small buried earth batteries developed sufficient power to charge storage batteries. They were also employed to provide telegraphic (Bryan, Cerpaux, Dieckmann, Jacques, Bear), and later telephonic systems (Stubblefield, Strong, Brown, Tomkins, Lockwood) with uninterrupted operating power. Neither decomposing nor failing with months of buried use, the mysterious earth batteries contain an essential mystery which electrodynamic models cannot adequately explain.

Those who doubt these facts may attempt the simplest of experiments. Place two identical copper rods into the ground however distant your skepticism demands. The ground can be dry. Connect a galvanometer to each rod by means of thin wire. An anomalous positive reading results. This simple fact illustrates the concepts taught by Nathan Stubblefield, who stated that earth batteries do not generate electricity: they intercept and receive ground flowing telluric currents. If you wish to find strong telluric currents by this means, place one of your two ground rods into a tree root. The galvanometer should be wired close to this base. The other rod is wired and can be placed in sequentially different spots. Readings can literally “pin” the meter, holding it there for weeks.

Telluric incursives continued to “interrupt” all electrical communications methods which employed the ground as a medium of exchange. These incursives revealed aspects of the geomantic nature as each new technology was connected to the ground. The mere appearance of additional power was greatly outperformed when, just prior to the advent of Telephony, a shortlived revolution swept the Telegraphic World. Certain telegraph companies replaced all of their electromagnetic systems with the Chemical, or “Automatic Telegraph” of Alexander Bain (1849). The Chemical Telegraph regime utilized the electrosensitivity of special chemical papers to register incoming signals. Code impulses made their dark blue marks on the rolling strip of sensitive paper, the task of decoding having thus been made “automatic”. Because of the low power requirements typical to their method, the Automatic Telegraph lines were successfully operated across much greater distances than their electromagnetic counterparts.

From the very first, some such Chemical Telegraph systems operated on ground power alone. Not only did these systems produce strong signal markings in complete absence of batteries, but partly coherent signals spontaneously appeared in absence of operators as well! The mystifying appearance of fragmentary sentences and geometric patterns was continually observed in idle Chemical Telegraph receivers, a phenomenon which has been discussed in a former treatise (Vril Compendium Vol. 3). Perceptive investigators clearly perceived that incursions of geomantic energy were dynamically modifying and augmenting every ground application of electrical energy. Such anomalous energy manifestations, which often revealed a perplexing time-periodicity, found no plausible explanation among the theoreticians.