Another book on Radionics! That subject which is a scientific tease to those who work in it, and a scientific anachronism to those who work in the orthodox medical world. Why should I feel an urge to add to the already ample supply of literature on the subject?

It all began in the Spring of 1980 when I received a telephone call from a leading Member of the Radionic Association asking if I would see a young man who was thirsting for factual information on Radionics. I was intrigued by the sound of his enthusiasm, and an appointment was duly made. The young man, in his early thirties, told me that as an Electronic Engineer he had become convinced that Electronics could be used to explain some of the phenomena of Radionics, but after much time spent in searching for facts, had been unable to find any answers which satisfied his intellectual needs on the subject.

He obviously had a good brain, asking intelligent and fundamental questions. So I decided that I might be able to help his quest and we talked for a couple of hours, broadly covering the basic principles of many of the early pioneers. Much of what I told him was news to him, bu I when he left I did not really expect to see him again. However, just a week later he ‘phoned … ‘Could he come back for more talk?’ Another appointment was made and in due course he arrived. On this second visit we discussed books. I showed him my library and told him of the copious notes I had taken over the past 25 years.

I explained that the growth from the inspired work of the early pioneers to the experimental efforts of a few brave technicians had been varied, but lliese early men and women, with considerable thought and knowledge, had laid foundations lasting for over 70 years, and I considered their basic principles should not be lightly discarded.

I told him that after many years experience in the Radionic field, I still had faith in the possibility of its ultimate recognition as an accepted form of Healing. Therefore, I had given much thought to the direction in which Radionics was turning.

At this point my enquirer suddenly interrupted me, “Mr. Denning,” he said, “You must get all this knowledge on paper before you die!” A kindly thought for a man more than double his age. I thanked him for the compliment, and we had a good laugh. But there and then was born still another book on Radionics. As for the young man, a steady friendship grew between us from that time. We both had one important factor in common. We were both convinced that Radionics MUST have a scientific foundation if it was to survive. I agreed to write a book, and in the meantime to give him all the information I could, while he would supply me with advice from a scientific point of view.

I knew that another book on Radionics must have sound foundations, bul must also take the subject into the modern Electronic Era, and he could provide this need.

In this book I have outlined some of the positive achievements of individual pioneers, quoting from their writings rather than from their histories.

There have always been two distinct schools of thought on Radionics, whether it is a matter of Mind alone, or whether there is any factual evidence that it can be based on a physical level.

In physical radionics, as practiced by the pioneers, the concept was thai I hey were measuring an energy, as yet un-named. This was the teaching on which radionics was founded, and it was expected that, on such a basis, il could become an accepted therapy. Since then, however, the idea has grown that the same results in diagnosis which are obtained by physical measuring, could be achieved solely through the use of the mind … a form of Non-Physical Radionics with no recognisable scientific backing.

I have always maintained, and still do, that if one is working on a sustained campaign for universal medical recognition, the fact must be faced that it will not come about unless there IS a sound scientific background. Without this, recognition will not be granted and the whole issue will remain confused. I examine and enlarge 011 this statement in my book, explaining in which way I feel it can be achieved.

My belief has been strengthened by an article in the September 1981 Radionic Association Journal addressed to ‘PAST AND PRESENT STUDENTS OF THE SCHOOL OF RADIONICS’ by the Chairman of the School Management Committee where she writes:

“We, the School, are very aware that somehow, sometime — we hope in the not too distant future – Radionics will become recognised by the State and will be able to take its place side by side with the Medical profession.”

Among the many pioneers in this field, Dr. Ruth Drown stands pre-eminent and I have therefore devoted one chapter to her work, quoting from her ‘Theory and Technique of the Drown Radio Therapy’ and also from her other books.

It may occur to my readers that I have omitted to quote from any of the latter-day writers and practitioners. My reason for this is that they are well known and have been widely covered in other publications. I have attempted to move away from their subjects and to include new and generally unknown fields of material which do not appear to have been written about before.

I refer in particular to Prof. S.W. Tromp who PROVED that Radionics could be explained on a scientific, physical basis; to Dr. Geo. Crile, the eminent, highly qualified and internationally known medical specialist who was a contemporary of Lakhovsky; to Butcher, one of whose instruments is much used in treatment today and whose principles and theories have never been fathomed. These I have shown as being based on three fully acceptable scientific principles. Lastly, I have included Dinshah Ghadiali, a brilliant Indian scholar and doctor, who advanced his theories on colour therapy based on Light rather than on Pigments.