Can Yoga and Alchemy Meet?

Yoga Alchemy comparison

So we find that there are many places where Yoga and Alchemy meet though they have different terminology.

“In concluding this brief outline, it may be as well to remind ourselves that we have all Eternity in which to complete the operation. This does not mean that we have to sit idle and wait for ever. If we grasp the basic principles and begin to work in harmony with them now, we might possibly finish the Great Work in any one incarnation.

“But in any event, if we begin now, we will have at least laid the foundations for further progress. Next time it will inevitably be easier.”

And in conclusion from Vivekananda …

“Do this either by work, or by worship, or psychic control, or philosophy — by one, or more, or all of them and BE FREE.”

And one final reminder … “Personal effort is the price one must pay for the discovery of truth”.

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