Engineers were enraged. Those who had missed his most early shift from alternations to impulses, failed to comprehend the vast distinction between “stationary waves” and “standing waves”. The quizzical use of specific terms such as these was a Tesla trademark, one designed to puzzle the minds of those who criticized him the most. With the exception of a very few colleagues who continually made related discoveries in aether physics, most academes had chosen to remain totally ignorant of the new study area. This for example was the case with the Teslian use of the term “frequency” and of “resonance”, words which had completely different meanings for Tesla. Teslian “frequency” refers to the repetition of pulses per second. Teslian “resonance” refers to conditions in which aether flows with little or no resistance through systems, whether proximal or widely separated.

Photographs which Tesla sent to his “financiers” were analyzed and reex-amined repeatedly from their encrypted meaning. None could decipher the cunning puzzle which Tesla had set before them. Tesla stated that photographs of the aetheric whitefire streamers required several minutes’ exposure time before registering the faintest sort of impression. Most of the plates were therefore the result of more than 20 minutes’ exposure time. There are a very few plates which, though stated to be the result of “one brief switch closure”, are covered with dense, thick white streamers. One fraction of a second closure on the system switch resulted in a twenty minute or more aether avalanche. Magnifying Transformers continued discharging long after the initial impulse had been withdrawn.


Tesla returned to New York exultant. He was about to establish a new world precedent Venture capitalists were everywhere, looking for their opportunity to enter the “new energy” market. Unknown to Tesla, his station, its tower, the large coils, the capacitors, and all the other marvelous apparatus which demonstrated free aetheric power to the world had been acquired for demolition. Tesla simply went forward, securing new funds from Morgan and others toward the development of a fully functional industry sized station in Long Island. Wardenclyffe Station. Wardenclyffe would be his greatest achievement. Here he would broadcast power to the world, along with a communications network which could span the globe with innumerable available channels.Aether wave communications. Several stations would augment the power of this first station, from which he proposed to rebroadcast 10,000 horsepower. The Station, a wonderful visionary structure which dominated the view of Shoreham, Long Island was not quite complete before it too was seized by court injunctions and torn down (see figure).

Tesla was summoned to appear in court. The amazing transcript of this proceeding has been secured by Mr. Leland Anderson, who has since published a wonderful treatise with this transcript as the centerpiece. Tesla said he wept when he saw the ruined tower in Wardenclyffe. The train ride back from Shoreham was filled with tears and the recounting of every tragedy which marked his life. But the dreams did not die there. In the absence of financial means to construct his gigantic stations, Tesla found ways to build small systems which accomplished the very same objectives. Replacing the large overhead capacity terminal with material substitutes, radioactive metals in combination with other dense elements, Tesla was able to accrete and focus asther pulsations of super short duration.

Tesla was then plunged into a hellish time, where all but one would neither help or hear him. Dr. John Hammond requested Tesla to be the permanent guest on his family estate. There, amid the family life of Hammond Castle, Tesla shared his dreams and technology. Together, he and Dr. Hammond developed the science of robots and remote guidance. Tesla, impoverished by the inhuman treatment wrought on him by the financial establishment, was nonetheless quite alive and valuable to those having singular ambition to dominate the world radio trade. For a very long time, Nikola Tesla was considered “out of circulation”.

But later years turned a kindlier edge toward him. Long after his principle foe had died, others sought him out. Employed by the Rockefellers in their RCA venture, Tesla was given the task of restructuring the now failing Marconi System. David Sarnoff did not permit Tesla the dignity of working under his own name! Nevertheless it was Tesla, not Sarnoff, who redesigned the insufficient RCA radio systems to sufficiently turn a profit for the owners. It is significant that Tesla was not allowed to change the basic design from wave radio to radiant communication. What he achieved required certain strange conversions within the wave radio circuitry, intensifying radiant signals until the operation was much improved, and then converting the amplified signals back to waves once again. All of this was achieved within the chassis, certain of which are now being studied. These Tesla experimental models are typical of the Tesla style, containing no resistors or other such components. These models use simple transmitter tubes and employ a great number of symmetrically disposed conical air coils.

While working for RCA under the name “Terbo”, his mother’s maiden name, Tesla maintained his two penthouse suites atop the Hotel New Yorker. One penthouse was his living quarters, the other a full scale research laboratory. Tesla designed and built small compact and portable aether energy receivers, a developmental path which he pursued to his passing. Tesla had long investigated the use of pure dielectric field energy, a stream of aether whose individual pulsations were so very ultrashort that science had never found a means to harness the energy impulses. Tesla later held the opinion that dielectric current was composed of radiant particles, aetheric in nature. He therefore sought natural sources in which native dielectric fields could be used as they were, without the need for mammoth voltage “shocks” to stimulate setheric currents. Tesla knew that if dielectric aether streams could be direcdy engaged, a true world of the future would be in his grasp. Furthermore, the mass-production of thousands and ten thousands of such power receivers would be an unstoppable army. An army of miniatures which could never be torn down.