Are petroleum markets being driven toward an ultimate destiny, one which conforms with plans to eliminate it as the principle world fuel? Contrary to public belief, there is adequate motivation for the destruction of the petroleum trade among those who have been kept on the periphery of this powerful arena. Petroleum outsiders seek new ventures now. To successfully dethrone the petroleum insiders would be a decisive strike against the principal House which rules that market. Such a maneuver would require an incredible revolution in energy production. The utter rage of petroleum outsiders has perhaps mobilized a singular effort which we now may be seeing in its initial experimental phases. An alternative to oil may have thus been found in the IRI. Not one of the outsider Houses would refuse to support such a petroleum-destabilizing venture now, a strong inducement to empower such an energy utility. Requiring the sheer size and access which only a monopoly can own and operate, the IRI venture may be offering these House rulers a perfect opportunity to achieve this very thing.

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