Were the Oceans Once in the Skies?

It is by no means true, however, that every planet starting on such an existence, finds such an orbit unobstructed. Night after night in the heavens astronomers behold flaming stars in the process of collision. Those stars have not found a circuit where the gravitational pulls are equal from all the heavenly bodies in the magnetic vicinity, or where there is no obstruction to the path they pursue as the central rotating body draws them after it in affinity of rotation.

At one time between Mars and Jupiter, as we shall see before the month is over in studying the Great Cataclysm of The Fiery Monster from On High—immortalized in the mythological fable of Phaethon, who stole his father’s sun-chariot and nearly burned up the earth, or in the Biblical story of the fiery destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah—a collision was pre­dicted that almost ruined our planet. Between Mars and Jupiter once ex­isted the heavenly body called Lucifer, truly made up of twin planets re­volving around each other, or chasing one another around a common orbit, while at the same time revolving around the sun. We shall see later how a third planet started to form between Mars and Lucifer and enticed one of the planetary twins sufficiently from its true orbit, or free orbit, to allow the other to crash into it. In the stupendous fireworks that resulted, a mol­ten mass came into the earth’s orbit, traveled for three weeks to reach our earth, finally striking it such a devastating blow that it knocked our earth one-half a degree off its orbit. Prior to that catastrophe our earth had an orbit-incline of twenty-four true degrees. Now it has an inclination of twenty-three and a half degrees. In other words, it “wobbles” a half a degree. In our studies of the earth’s great pyramids we shall see how such astronomical data was observed and recorded. Our Bible refers to this stellar catastrophe in many places. Isaiah is quoted as apostrophizing: “How art thou fallen, Lucifer, thou bright and shining morning star!”

Practically all space is filled with trillions of remnants of planets that have gone through such colliding processes. That is, the original planets have not been permanently successful in finding a true orbit. We have wrapped about our earth today a remnant of the Luciferian cataclysm— apparently. Some geologists identify it as the Drift. But by far the greater portion is still in the skies. It comprises the planetoids. In achiev­ing inter-planetary vehicles—that is, cars which might enable us to travel from one planet to another as we often have expounded to us in necroman­tic fiction stories—our chief difficulty will be that if we attain to any distance above the stratosphere we shall probably encounter vast fields of asteroids that form a stupendous wrapper around our earth. Occasionally they pene­trate the atmosphere and we have the familiar spectacle of a shooting star. Those persons who have been released from their bodies to go into inter­stellar space, as I have set forth in a previous lecture, say they are required to pass through an unearthly confusion—a weird jangling of cold; dead matter—that are the meteoric remnants of planets traveling about and colliding with one another in cosmic space. Whether man will ever be able to pene­trate through that area in inter-planetary machines, is problematical. It may well be that the condition has been brought about by the Creator that man as a mortal being may adhere to one planet until he can do what our Lord did: divorce himself from His body at will. Then his consciousness in the vehicle of his Light Body may be able to go through that belt and visit other planets without let or hindrance.

ANOTHER interesting question is propounded as to the probable age of our sun in relation to the age of our earth. Those of us who have gone with some depth into the hypothesis that planets are not necessarily incan­descent or molten masses thrown off by a sun-wheel, have reason to accredit that the earth is older than the sun, that our earth was possibly at one time a stupendous sun, that the moon was not always the cold dead satellite that it is at present but a planet teeming with life in all those phases of activity that we have on earth at the present moment.

It is at least logical to assume that our sun came into existence as a great spiral nebula when our earth was in a semi-molten condition itself. Instead of crashing into a planet, a pulling force was exerted by other plan­ets which held both balanced in free space according to the effects which we behold in the heavens of the present. Our sun is apparently a new planet in process of condensation. It may be that it is being prepared as another stage in space for the playing of later acts in the mortal drama when those who have not yet graduated from the earthly plane find that the planet is reaching a state where it can no longer sustain life as humanity requires it to be sustained for the completion of the mortal experience.

We know that each planet has a definite cycle of maturity or phase of development aeon by aeon: a spiral nebula, a core, a ring system, ring pre­cipitation, compression and expansion of matter fallen to its surface, and finally the cooling of its crust. As it cools, due to the slowing down of the nebula whirling, it ceases to be incandescent and finally “shines” by the re­flected glory of some other planet still uncrusted in molten state. When most of the telluric rings or belts have fallen, and the crust is reasonably hard and firm, then mortal life becomes the apex of created species. Over a vast period of time the pull of other planets, or the friction of its outer surfaces of stratosphere against omnipresent ether, slows down that aging planet until a point is reached where it stops entirely and we have an ex­position of the result in our eastern heavens, night upon night—our noc­turnal orb without motion of a degree greater than that necessary to keep its face towards us, and apparently with all stratosphere long since vanished. Certainly we know of no life upon it approximating the mortal. There may be forms of life requiring no stratosphere but as yet we have not identified them.